My last post of the day.

I have enjoyed doing this post on gender -identity and it has given me so much insights into who I have transitioned into as a person on a whole, I am thanking for the way I am not influenced into society gender- identity role shaping me into defining the woman whom society wants to follow the sub-servant role as a housewife, care taker, while my husband or boyfriend goes out to work to provide for the family.I ask why cant both sexes balance the role of the opposite sex roles and be just equals. For some I guess is being afraid the woman would do a better job of balancing both worlds, as it is often shown in society, example the single mom juggling working and taking care of her family. Just be happy with who you are and do the best that you can do everyday.

We need to be more compassionate to others.

FAQ: The Gender Nondiscrimination Act

The Gender Nondiscrimination Act will take effect on January 1st, 2012. This law clarifies existing legal protections by making gender identity and gender expression their own protected categories in specified non-discrimination laws.

Is discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression illegal?

Yes. California has prohibited discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming people in housing and employment since 2004 and in public accommodations since 2005. Recently, the Gender Nondiscrimination Act made the law more clear by making “gender identity” and “gender expression” their own enumerated protected categories.

Why is the Gender Nondiscrimination Act important?

It is important for everyone in California – not just transgender people – to know and see clearly in the law that discrimination based upon gender identity and expression is illegal. Because the language of the law was not as clear as it could be, we found that California’s nondiscrimination laws were often not accessible to those who needed them the most. Employers, health care providers, housing authorities – even transgender and gender non-conforming people – were unaware that it is illegal to discriminate against transgender Californians. As a result, many people were in the dark about their rights, and many institutions were out of compliance regarding their responsibilities. This had an especially severe impact on low-income and trans communities of color who face high rates of employment discrimination.

Where are transgender and gender non-conforming Californians protected?

Discrimination against transgender and gender-nonconforming people is prohibited in virtually every area of life in California, including housing, employment, education, insurance, and public accommodations. This means that you cannot be fired for being transgender, that a land lord cannot evict you from your apartment for being transgender, that you cannot be forced to use a restroom that does not match your gender identity at a restaurant, and that doctors are not allowed to deny you treatment because you are transgender.

How does the law affect federal employees?

Federal agencies are not subject to California’s non-discrimination laws. Because federal workers are employed by the federal government, they are not protected by California’s non-discrimination law. However, there is precedent that federal workers in California and in many other states are protected from discrimination based on sex stereotyping by Title VII .

May a church or church-run business/non-profit discriminate against me?

Under California law, there is no religious “exception” for discrimination in housing or public accommodations. This means that a religious-based hospital cannot deny you care just because you are transgender, nor can a religious-based homeless shelter refuse to house you as the gender you identify as. HOWEVER, certain religious organizations and religious educational institutions are not subject to California (or federal) non-discrimination laws.

What are my rights when it comes to using the correct bathroom at work?

All employees have a right to safe and appropriate restroom facilities. This includes using a restroom that corresponds to the employee’s gender identity.

Can my employer make me wear a uniform that is not in line with my gender identity?

Employers have the right to implement gendered dress codes. Employees in California have the right to comply with the dress code that corresponds to their gender identity. An employer cannot force an employee to wear a uniform that does not conform to the person’s gender identity or expression.

Can a landlord refuse to rent to me, charge me a higher rent, or evict me because of my gender identity or expression?

No. The California law prohibits discrimination against tenants based on actual or perceived gender identity. This means that a landlord may not refuse to rent to a tenant, evict a tenant, falsely represent to a tenant that a unit is unavailable, or make any type of restriction in the price, terms or conditions of the rental unit based on the gender identity of the tenant.

Do I have the right to use the correct restroom and sleeping facilities in a homeless shelter? And what if a shelter or group home’s dress code requires that I wear clothing that is not consistent with my gender identity?

Homeless shelters are subject to both federal and state anti-discrimination laws and therefore cannot discriminate based on gender identity or expression. This means that under California law, a homeless shelter cannot compel a person to dress in accordance with their birth gender, nor can it compel a person to be housed with or use the restrooms associated with members of their birth gender. In terms of where a person should be housed, generally, it is a best practice that they be housed with members of the sex they identify as, but if this is not possible then they must be provided with a reasonable accommodation, such as a private bedroom or restroom. A housing shelter also cannot compel a person to dress in a manner that does not comport with the person’s gender identity Where should I turn if I have a discrimination complaint?

A person can make a complaint about housing, employment or public accommodations (business or retail establishment) to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). Typically, the DFEH will investigate and make a finding as to whether a complaint of discrimination can be substantiated and can authorize a broad range of remedies. To make a complaint to the DFEH about discrimination, call 800-884-1684 or visit the DFEH website:

You can also make a federal complaint about employment by contacting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at 800-669-4000 or online at And you can make a discrimination complaint about any federally-subsidized housing to the Department of Urban Development (HUD) at 800-669-9777 or online at


What it means for me not being defined by society gender -identity standards.

For a woman with three children I try to aspire to be the best I can be, and in going forward with these plans I hope I can instill good principles and goals for my kids to follow when they grow up. Sure I can attest to being only human as other parents can relate to my dilemma in wanting the best for their children hoping they will become successful in any endeavors they take in life. But as parents we often get too warped up into our own feelings that we begin to indoctrinate false hopes and dreams when we too failed to aspire to when were younger, often at times not spending the time to listen to our children about the choices not decision in life they want to make. I believe if we took the time to listen more our children they would feel more at ease coming to us asking us parents what decisions in life or problems they need help with. Then I believe the whole gender role issue in defining what males need to be from their counter opposite sex is inaccurate as a whole. We as parents need to be more responsible as to what we are teaching our sons and daughters to be, if we instill positive feedback in the cognitive, and social development they will make more wiser decision in life and treated the opposite sex as equals.

From me to you, I emplore my Knowledge.

Looking back from the time I was born I can remember how my parents treated my sisters and my brothers  differently from each other. Firstly as girls when we got back from school we had to cook dinner for the whole family, then we had to help share dinner for the rest of the family, but great care was taken to make sure dinner was left for my stepdad, if not we would all suffer the consequences, this we knew from the beginning that my stepfather was the head of the household, he worked hard providing for the family, welfare, food, shelter, and clothing, and to let him know how important he was to us we had to give him the full respect he deserve. Just a word of wisdom from me to you, as to say gender-identity is shaped into our well being from the time we are born. Example like in many cultures men are given a higher  role than women, so the masculine sex is given more to do what he feels like doing. But the saying goes too much power can let someone goes mad or loose control over his whole well being, leading to living life in pure misery, therefore I belief there should be equal balance.

Are we a Melting Pot???

In a society as the one we now live in one can see that cultures varies across many people, and so gender can be defined by many by ethnicity, age, education, and occupation, example African American families are less likely to follow strict gender roles when socializing their children, where as Mexican American families are more likely to highlight gender differences. Let me  ask this why do we believe girls should be physically or intellectually advance at birth,while boys should possess more masculine features such as being tough, or should there be a need to push them to be more intelligent in mathematical or visual spatial skills, why not let both sexes excel in whatever fields of academic skills they have a passion for.


Gender Identity

As a parent I believe gender identity aligns with one’s biological sex, however, for some, the match between biological and gender identity isn’t clear. In addition to gender linked behaviors patterns : children sometimes acquire values, motives, and behaviors as seen as appropriate for males within a culture called gender typing, and these children that develop gender-based beliefs, solely on the basis of stereotypes, the latter is reflected in gender roles. How can we as society ensure males are not perceived as assertive, or competitive, while females are expected to be passive, sensitive, supportive. Basically why should we have a double standard for either gender.







Gender and Family Development

Gender Identity can be depicted across so many levels where social norms are often dictating what types of behaviors are generally the norm, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex. Many of our peers often learn gender roles through social interaction rather than biological, this can be seen when they are born, little do they know the concept of gender. As a parent I believe that children who are raised in society, often reflects on how they behave as they grow up, this further proves my point that being a boy or girl, for some children this can feel natural, but for some the norm to feel accepted in one’s identity can be confusing. So I ask this question what do you belief define’s a person identity and does society, parents, or our peers have the right to assign or label us by their standard of what is their norm to belong to gender role .